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Zenith cal. 2522 ---> 2572

Zenith jewel cal. 2562PC 2552PC 2542PC 2542P 2532PC 2532P / part 1628

Zenith jewel cal. 2562PC 2552PC 2542PC 2542P 2532PC 2532P / part 1628 6.9 EUR

Same part for Zenith 2562PC 2552PC 2542PC 2542P 2532PC 2532P (not for others)

Part 1628 - 1 Jewel

Pierre roue cliquet dessus / Stein für Klinkenrad oben / Pietra della ruota a cricco sopra

Le prix est pour 1 pierre / The price is for 1 jewel

Livraison sous film neutre / Shipping in neutral zip bag (the last one will be shipped with the Zenith packet)

New old stock