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IWC cal. 44

IWC crownsIWC cal. H5 - H6IWC cal 851 --> 854 / 8521 --> 8541

IWC 44 442 complete barrel with mainspring / part 180

IWC 44 442 complete barrel with mainspring / part 180 44.9 EUR IWC 44 and 442 complete barrel with mainspring (1 piece) part 180 Le prix est pour 1 seule pièce  / The price is only for 1 complete barrel Neuf de stock / New old stock Livraison sous film neutre...

IWC 44 442 locking key for the automatic + screw / part 1491 + 51491

IWC 44 442 locking key for the automatic + screw / part 1491 + 51491 20.9 EUR IWC 44 and 442 locking key for the automatic  1491 + 51491 Neuf de stock / New old stock Le prix est pour 1 pièce + 1 vis The price is for 1 piece + 1 screw Livraison sous film neutre . Shipping in...

IWC 44 barrel bridge / part 105

IWC 44 barrel bridge / part 105 16.9 EUR IWC 44 barrel bridge (1 piece) part 105 Le prix est pour 1 seule pièce  / The price is only for 1 bridge Neuf de stock / New old stock

IWC 44 complete balance / part 71 (the balance staff is broken)

IWC 44 complete balance / part 71 (the balance staff is broken) 35.9 EUR IWC 44 part 71 complete balance (the balance staff is broken) balancier complet (un pivot est cassé)

IWC 44 large click / part 1427

IWC 44 large click / part 1427 9.9 EUR IWC 44 large click / Grosse Schaltklinke / Grand cliquet Perfect condition 

IWC 44 small click

IWC 44 small click 8.9 EUR IWC 44 small click / Kleine Schaltklinke / Petit cliquet Perfect condition

IWC 44 complete balance (size 7"'3/4) / part 71 (new)

IWC 44 complete balance (size 7"'3/4) / part 71 (new) 95.0 EUR IWC 44 (size 7"'3/4) part 71 complete balance / balancier complet New old stock / Neuf de stock