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tiges unitas

UNITAS winding stem 13"' 640 650 6300 6305 6340 6342 6343 6450 6452 6460 original

UNITAS winding stem 13"' 640 650 6300 6305 6340 6342 6343 6450 6452 6460 original 7.9 EUR

1 Tige de remontoir Unitas / 1 Unitas winding stem

Neuf de stock / New old stock

Tige identique pour tous les calibres Unitas suivants / Same winding stem for all Unitas following calibers :
Unitas 640 641 642 646 647 650 651 656 657 6300 6302 6303 6305 6306 6340 6342 6343 6344 6346 6347 6450 6452 6456 6457 6460

Size 13"' (make sure your caliber is in the list above, because it exists some others 13"' Unitas calibers which use a different winding stem)

A/E square : 70/500
B shoulder : 88
C hub : 130
D thread : 90 or 120
F pilot : 50

Original Unitas parts 401

Choose in the list thread 0.90mm or thread 1.20mm

Le prix est pour 1 tige / The price is for 1 stem

Livraison sous film neutre / Shipping in neutral zip bag (only the last one of each packet will be shipped with its own original packet)