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tiges rolex

Rolex winding stem 4"' Princesse

Rolex winding stem 4"'  Princesse 12.9 EUR

1 Tige de remontoir Rolex /  1 Rolex winding stem

Neuf de stock / New old stock

Size 4"' - 4"' 1/4 - caliber : Princesse

It exists multiple Rolex stems for size 4"', please look carrefully to your broken stem and check dimensions to be sure it is the right stem you are looking for.
A / E - Square : 58 / 231
B - Shoulder : 79
C - Hub : 110
D - Thread : 110
F - Pilot : 32

Total length : 11.8 mm

DCN code 344

Livraison sous film neutre / Shipping in neutral zip bag (without the container)