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Hour wheel Omega

Escape wheel OmegaCenter wheel OmegaMinute wheel Omega3rd wheel Omega4th wheel OmegaCannon pinion OmegaSweep second pinion/spring OmegaOther wheel Omega

Omega hour wheel cal. 1000 1001 1002 / part 1232 (model H1)

Omega hour wheel cal. 1000 1001 1002 / part 1232 (model H1) 7.9 EUR Same part for all following calibers : Omega 1000 1001 1002 hour wheel H1 / Roue des heures Part 1000-1232 Pre-owned / pre-used

Omega hour wheel cal. 480 481 482 483 484 485 (height 1.38mm) / part 1231

Omega hour wheel cal. 480 481 482 483 484 485 (height 1.38mm) / part 1231 6.9 EUR Same part for Omega 480 481 482 483 484 485 Hour wheel height 1.38mm / part 1231 Be aware it exists 4 models of hour wheel for these calibers : This one has a height of 1.38mm, it is not the part...

Omega hour wheel cal. 560 / part 1233 (height 2.13mm)

Omega hour wheel cal. 560 / part 1233 (height 2.13mm) 14.9 EUR Omega 560 hour wheel part 1233 (height 2.13mm) / roue des heures Neuf de stock / New old stock Be aware the height is 2.13mm - different from part 560-1231 (ht. 1.68mm) and different from part...

Omega hour wheel cal. 620 630 670 671 672 / part 1232 (H1 height 1.31mm)

Omega hour wheel cal. 620 630 670 671 672 / part 1232 (H1 height 1.31mm) 5.9 EUR Same part for all following Omega calibers : 620 630 670 671 672 Hour wheel , H1 height 1.31mm (be aware it exists multiple models for this wheel : height 1.06mm , 1.31mm , 1.56mm , 1.81mm ,...

Omega hour wheel cal. 625 / part 1231 (height 1.1mm)

Omega hour wheel cal. 625 / part 1231 (height 1.1mm) 8.9 EUR Omega 625 part 1231 Roue des heures / Hour wheel Height 1.1mm (make sure it is the correct height for your caliber, it exists 3 different heights for the caliber 625) Neuf de stock / New old stock

Omega hour wheel cal. 620 630 / part 1231 (ht 1.06mm)

Omega hour wheel cal. 620 630 / part 1231 (ht 1.06mm) 6.9 EUR Omega hour wheel 620 part 1231 / roue des heures Same part for both following Omega calibers : 620 630 Hour wheel , height 1.06mm (be aware it exists multiple models for this wheel : height 1.06mm...

Omega hour wheel cal. 620 630 670 671 672 / part 1232 new (H1 height 1.31mm)

Omega hour wheel cal. 620 630 670 671 672 / part 1232 new (H1 height 1.31mm) 6.9 EUR Same part for all following Omega calibers : 620 630 670 671 672 Hour wheel , H1 height 1.31mm (be aware it exists multiple models for this wheel : height 1.06mm , 1.31mm , 1.56mm , 1.81mm ,...

Omega hour wheel cal. 600 601 602 / part 550-1232 H1 (ht 1.33mm)

Omega hour wheel cal. 600 601 602 / part 550-1232 H1 (ht 1.33mm) 12.9 EUR Hour wheel / Roue des heures Omega 550-1232 (hauteur 1.33mm) Same part for the 3 following Omega calibers : 600 601 602 Hour wheel , H1 height 1.33mm (be aware it exists multiple models for this...

Omega hour wheel cal. 1332 1333 1337 H0 (height 1.36mm) / part 9206

Omega hour wheel cal. 1332 1333 1337 H0 (height 1.36mm) / part 9206 11.9 EUR Omega 1332 hour wheel, part 9206 H0 ( roue des heures) Omega same part for all following calibers : 1332 1333 1337 Omega Part 9206 H0 Hour wheel height 1.36mm (be aware it exists another part with...

Omega hour wheel cal. 670 671 672 680 681 683 684 685 / part 1234 (ht. 2.06mm)

Omega hour wheel cal. 670 671 672 680 681 683 684 685 / part 1234 (ht. 2.06mm) 8.9 EUR Omega 670 hour wheel, height 2.06mm / roue des heures Omega part 670-1234 / Height 2.06mm Be aware it exists many other models for all these calibers, please check your own before purchase :...