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Barrel / Arbor Omega

Rotor / Axle OmegaRatchet wheel OmegaClick / Click spring OmegaCrown wheel OmegaDriving gear OmegaOther winding parts Omega

Omega barrel arbor 321 / part 1204

Omega barrel arbor 321 / part 1204 24.9 EUR Omega 321 barrel arbor Barrel arbor / arbre de barillet Part 321-1204 Probably New old stock but sold as pre-owned Condition parfaite, peut-Ăªtre neuf de stock

Omega barrel 540 / part 1200

Omega barrel 540 / part 1200 9.9 EUR Omega 540 part 1200 (without arbor) Barrel / barillet Pre-owned / pre-used

Omega barrel + arbor 540 / part 1200 + 1204

Omega barrel + arbor 540 / part 1200 + 1204 14.9 EUR Omega 540 part 1200 + 1204 barrel with arbor Barillet + arbre de barillet Pre-owned / pre-used

Omega barrel arbor 620 630 / part 1204 (new)

Omega barrel arbor 620 630 / part 1204 (new) 13.9 EUR Same part for all following calibers : Omega 620 and 630 Barrel arbor / arbre de barillet Part 620-1204 New old stock / Neuf de stock

Omega barrel arbor 625 627 635 / part 1204

Omega barrel arbor 625 627 635 / part 1204 8.9 EUR Omega 625 barrel arbor Same part for all following calibers : Omega 625 627 635 Barrel arbor / arbre de barillet Part 625-1204 Pre-owned / pre-used

Omega barrel arbor 620 630 / part 1204

Omega barrel arbor 620 630 / part 1204 6.9 EUR Same part for all following calibers : Omega 620 and 630 Barrel arbor / arbre de barillet Part 620-1204 Pre-owned / pre-used