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axes h.parrenin

HP Parrenin balance staff 18"' cal 40

HP Parrenin balance staff 18"' cal 40 5.9 EUR

1 HP Parrenin balance staff / 1 axe de balancier HP Parrenin

Neuf de stock / New old stock
Cal : 40

You can choose the model in the list on top of this offer :

- Regular - Ronda 4029 - height 396 , half height 195 , balance seat 125 , hairspring collet 90 , roller 62

- Parechoc - height 396 , half height 209 , balance seat 125 , hairspring collet 90 , roller 62

- Parechoc - height 397 , half height 210 , balance seat 120 , hairspring collet 90 , roller 62

- Antichoc 51 = Antichoc 102 - height 444 , half height 222 , balance seat 125 , hairspring collet 90 , roller 61

Le prix est pour 1 axe / The price is for 1 staff

Livraison sous film neutre / Shipping in neutral zip bag