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tiges durowe

Lip winding stem R562 R571 R572 R573 R574 R575 R576 R577 R578

Lip winding stem R562 R571 R572 R573 R574 R575 R576 R577 R578 7.9 EUR

1 Tige de remontoir LIP  / 1 LIP winding stem

Tige identique pour les calibres suivants / Same stem for all following calibers

Lip R562 , R571 , R572 , R573 , R574 , R575 , R576 , R577 , R578

These Lip calibers are made from a base Durowe 7410 and they have the same winding stem.

It exists 2 models of this stem, depending on the version of the caliber, 1st or 2nd. The only difference is the diameter of the pilot (letter "F" on the picture, at the end of the stem). You can choose it in the list

Thread 0.90mm

Le prix est pour 1 tige / The price is for 1 stem

Livraison sous film neutre / Shipping in neutral zip bag (the last of each packet will be shipped with its own packet)