1 AS balance staff / 1 axe de balancier AS
Neuf de stock / New old stock
Same balance staff for all following calibers :
AS 984 1002 1007 1009 1010 1013 1015 1021 1027 1028 1029 1032 1033 1035 1038 1041 1043 1044 1048 1050 1055 1077 1084 1089 1091 1113 1114 1118 1120 1123 1124 1128 1135 1141 1147 1153 1154 1160 1166 1191 1192 1211 1218 1231 1259 1277 1285 1313 1440 1614
It exists many different balance staffs for all these calibers, you can choose the model you need in the list on top of this offer :
- Ronda code 160 - Regular , (balancier Ă vis), height 307 , balance arbor 85
- Original AS part 723 - Regular , (balancier Ă vis), height 307 , balance arbor 85
- Ronda code 4922 - Regular , (balancier annulaire), height 307 , balance arbor 90
- Ronda code 273 - Inca & KIF, height 310 , balance arbor 85
- Original AS part 724 - Inca & KIF, height 310 , balance arbor 85
- Ronda code 2784 - SuperShockResist, height 317 , balance arbor 85
Le prix est pour 1 axe / The price is for 1 staff
Livraison sous film neutre / Shipping in neutral zip bag (the last one of each packet will be shipped with its own packet on pics)